Being Cybersmart: This morning we connected with Fiona Grant and the Manaaiakalani kaupapa of 'cybersmart'. I liked this quote as it is about all children, whanau and teachers to empower out learners and access to their own device.
"at home in the digital world"
I thought the ice berg metaphor was powerful to show the smart and secure learning as apart of cyber safety. They both work together (top of the iceberg and bottom of the iceberg) and compliment each other. The key messages about the cybersmart that it is important that it is a whole school focus so that everyone is on the same page and it is consistent. I know at my own school we are consistent and we all do specifically teach cybersmart and the key categories around being cybersmart.
Digital dig:
We worked our way through a digital dig using a chromebook so we were aware of how to use the shortcuts and some of the challenges that may come with children using these. Below are the tasks that I completed. I found this very useful and going over the shortcuts is a huge help in making my life a lot quicker and easier.
Exploring Explain Everything:
I'm lucky that my juniors already use Explain Everything so this is not a new app for me however we are in the beginning phase of using files to go alongside readers as an online task/worksheet etc. This was good having a play around with so I know what the children will be doing when we are at that stage.
Below is the Explain Everything task that I made around Smart relationships and using positive/quality comments.
Another informative day learning lots of tips and tricks to help with my learning journey and using Explain Everything with my class.